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The Alumni Holiday Card 2019

School of Motion

Nearly 90 Former School of Motion Students Collaborate on the Annual Animated Alumni Holiday Card Video

Even motion designers need a break, and that's what the holiday season's for. But when we pause, and finally pick our heads up from our client work, passion projects and School of Motion coursework, we put them right back down to reminisce on the past year and prepare for the next.

What did I learn from my work and course experiences? What did the 2019 motion design industry survey tell me? What podcast gems should I use for new motivational posters or sticky notes?

How can I clarify my vision for 2020? What are my plans, goals, needs and dreams? How can I fine tune my workflow? What can I do to better balance my work and personal life? Which MoGraph meetups will I attend? Which SOM course will catapult me, personally, to the next level? Is there a new motion graphics job out there for me?

And, of course, what's my favorite part of this year's School of Motion holiday card (let us know on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and/or LinkedIn!)? And how do I get to work with Traci Brinling Osowski, the SOM Teaching Assistant who every year puts this festive holiday card together!?


To work with Traci, shoot her an email to find out which course she's assisting with this session, or be sure to submit to our open call for alumni submissions to next year's holiday card project.

To watch this year's card, discover who contributed, and download the project files, keep reading...


In October 2019, we sent an email to our alumni, offering the opportunity to take part in this year's holiday card.

The theme: "This holiday season, share the _____________"

Contributors were asked to submit a three-second-long video as a .mov or .mp4, using a predefined color palette and adhering to certain quality restrictions, along with their project files. There were no restrictions on software, plugins or medium.

By the December 9 deadline, we had received 87 submissions, predominantly using Adobe After Effects, Maxon Cinema 4D, and Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

Traci Brinling Osowski, an SOM alum and Teaching Assistant, then compiled all 87 unique pieces of motion art into one animated video.




Editor + Title Animations: Traci Brinling Osowski

Title Design: Ewa Niedbala

Sound Design: Wes Slover and Sono Sanctus

Music: PremiumBeat

Alumni Artists, in order of appearance:

Abbie Bacilla | memes

Ada Skowronek | time (cooking/eating together)

Alejandro Perez | Nochebuenas

Alena Hovorkova | Dreams

Alexandra Fertig | Business Cards

Alixe Lobato | Energy in MOTION

Anne Saint-Louis | Love

António Mendes | Keyframes

Ariel Magnes | Light

Ash Knoll | BBQ

Athena Karper | Blanket

Beata Szóstak | Light

Benjamin Du | Secret Formula

Blade Sabovcik | Air

Chelsea Winot | Magic

Coralie Legrand | Light

Daniele Cagnoli | Mindfulness

Daria Klimova | Treats

Déborah Rodrigues | wonders of the world

Doreen Voltine | Turkey's Legs

Drew Levin | Marshmallows

Drew Wiebe | toboggan

Eddy van der Lee | Laughs

Emma Elizabeth | ice

Erandhi Ranawake | More Gifts

Erich Nemcek | aloha

Ewa Niedbala | wisdom

Fiona Velasco | Controller

François Pezron | motion

Gilda Taffet | Floss

Greg Jackson | Wasted

Greg Stern | gifts

Griffin Thomps | Riddle

Heather McNabb | Reindeer Games

Jackie Gould | Gelt

Jake Williams | Ham

Jeremy Rech | Happy Cat Tails

Jeri Bailer | cheer

Jessica Daoud | Sanitizer

Jonathan Hunt | TV Remote

Julie Faussard | Boop!

Jung Yuen Shin | happy moment

Justin Owens | long drives

Justin Peterson | Ride

Kabo Lam | Gifts

Karen Fantasia | Jello mold

Keith Morrissey | Joy

Kenneth Hendren | Good books & whiskey

Kirsty Drummond | BBQ

Laurent Mathieu | Pixels

Lisa Clyne | love

Logan Pinney | Gifts & Christmas Tree Bauble Decorations

Logan Pinney | Turtles

Madison Shaw | hugs!

Mair Perkins | Robins

Mathaias Schmid | chai tea

Nassib El Mourabet | Belly Fat

Neus Vich | WiFi

Nicole Koncz | Feast

Oliver Schwinn | gospel

Ollie Mamaril | Ice Skates

Onur Nidayi | Laughter

Patrick German | cosy nights

Patti Glenn | Fruitcake

Philippe Moesch | Food

Prik Korver | Christmas Particles

Roberta Scialla | Knowledge

Rusty McMillan | Ghost of Holidays Past

Sandra Clua | awareness

Sandra Tournemille | Cheers

Sarah Ryan | cross-stitch

Scott Dintelman | M&Ms

Sherene Strausberg | Fire

Steph Knowles | Ice cream

Stephanie Schaffler | Hot Chocolate (with marshmallows)

Steven Houston | Hot Chocolate

Thomas Hays | Recipe

Timo Klein | lovin'

Traci Brinling Osowski | Remote

Travis Blake | Snow

Tristan Henry-Wilson | Affection

Valeria Favrod | Bubble Tea

Vishal Varghese | Earth

Vivi Feng | Surprise

Will O'Connell | holiday snacks

Zach Youse | Booze

Need More Inspiration?


School of Motion's 250-page Experiment. Fail. Repeat. ebook features insights from 86 of the world's most prominent motion designers, answering key questions like:

  1. What advice do you wish you had known when you first started in motion design?
  2. What is a common mistake that new motion designers make?
  3. What’s the difference between a good motion design project and a great one?
  4. What’s the most useful tool, product or service you use that’s not obvious to motion designers?
  5. Are there any books or films that have influenced your career or mindset?
  6. In five years, what’s one thing that will be different about the industry?

Get the insider's scoop from Nick Campbell (Greyscalegorilla), Ariel Costa, Lilian Darmono, Bee Grandinetti, Jenny Ko (Buck), Andrew Kramer (Video Copilot), Raoul Marks (Antibody), Sarah Beth Morgan, Erin Sarofsky (Sarofsky), Ash Thorp (ALT Creative, Inc.), Mike Winkelmann (AKA Beeple), and others:

Free eBook: Experiment. Fail. Repeat.

Download Now

Invest in Yourself

Excited and inspired, but unsure if you have the experience and knowhow? That's where School of Motion comes in.

There's no better way to position yourself for further success than investing in your education, like our 5,000-plus alumni.

Our classes aren't easy, and they're not free. They're interactive and intensive, and that's why they're effective.

By enrolling, you'll gain access to our private student community/networking groups; receive personalized, comprehensive critiques from professional artists; and grow faster than you ever thought possible.

Plus, we're entirely online, so wherever you are we're there too!


The Path To MoGraph is a free 10-day course that will provide you an in-depth look into what it's like to be a professional motion designer. We'll kick things off by giving you a glimpse into the average day at four very different motion design studios. Then you'll be ready to check out the process of creating an entire real world project from start to finish, so we'll show you the software, tools and techniques you'll need to break into this thriving, competitive industry.

Enroll TODAY >>>


Ready to really commit? Take After Effects Kickstart, and in six weeks you'll learn the number-one motion design application on the earth. No experience required.

We'll train you through a series of fun, real-world challenges that test each new skill you learn, and you'll be designing from day one.You'll also be connected to an amazing group of students from all over the world who are taking the class in your session. Virtual high-fives, critique, camaraderie and networking are all part of the course experience.

Learn more >>>

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